
Mittwoch, 19. Januar 2022

Change RF-Mode of a Nutanix Storage Container

To check the Redundancy Factor of the Cluster:

ncli cluster get-redundancy-state

To check the Container Redundancy Factor:

ncli ctr ls|egrep -i "Name |Replication"

To change the RF-Mode of a Nutanix Storage Container, first show the Conatainer Details:

ncli ctr ls

Identify the correct Container and note the ID of it (all digits after the :: on the ID line)

For example:

ID : 00052c80-729d-8761-000000052fb::1085

Change the Conatiner RF Mode:

ncli ctr edit rf=RF-Mode id=Container_ID  (force=true)

For example:

ncli ctr edit rf=3 id=1085

For the NutanixManagementShare Container, you need the additional force=true Parameter

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