
Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2021

Access VCSA with WinSCP

1.     Access to the (VCSA) the Appliance Management. https://vcsa_ip:5480

2.     Navigate to Access and click Edit under Access Settings.

3.     Switch on Enable SSH Login and click OK.

4.     Access to the VCSA via SSH.

5.     Type: Shell

6.     Change the default Shell to Bash typing: chsh -s /bin/bash root

Now you should be able to access VCSA with WinSCP with the following settings:

Use "scp" on port 22.

(tested with VCSA 6.7)

Freitag, 17. Dezember 2021

Manually change (lower) CVM Memory in a Nutanix AHV-Cluster

First check, that everything is fine in your cluster.

To manually change the amount of Memory of CVM, first logon to the CVM and shutdown the CVM via the cvm_shutdown script:

cvm_shutdown -P

Then logon to the correspondig AHV Host and list all VMs:

virsh list --all

Check, that you see your CVM powered off

then continue to change the Memory config:

virsh setmem <CVM_NAME> <Gigabytes>G --config

virsh setmaxmem <CVM_NAME> <Gigabytes>G --config

Example: virsh setmem NTNX-CVM1 36G --config

You can check if this succeeded:

virsh dominfo <CVM_NAME>

then you can power on the CVM again:

virsh start <CVM_NAME>

Wait for the CVM to come up and go to the GUI and wait for everything gettin normal (especially the Data Resiliency Status should change back to OK).

After everything is ok, you can continue with the next CVM.

Dienstag, 12. Oktober 2021

How to change Controller VM and Host IP address

The only way is to use the external ip reconfiguration script. (external_ip_reconfig)

You can use the external IP address reconfiguration script in the following scenarios:

  • Change the IP addresses of the CVMs in the same subnet.

  • Change the IP addresses of the CVMs to a new or different subnet.
    In this scenario, the external IP address reconfiguration script works successfully if the new subnet is configured with the required switches and the CVMs can communicate with each other in the new subnet.

  • Change the IP addresses of the CVMs to a new or different subnet if you are moving the cluster to a new physical location.
    In this scenario, the external IP address reconfiguration script works successfully if the CVMs can still communicate with each other in the old subnet.


Following is the summary of steps that you must perform to change the IP addresses on a Nutanix cluster.


  1. Check the health of the cluster infrastructure and resiliency (For more information, see the Before you begin section of this document.)

  2. Stop the cluster.

  3. Change the VLAN and NIC Teaming configurations as necessary.

Note: Check the connectivity between CVMs and hosts, that is all the hosts must be reachable from all the CVMs and vice versa before you perform step 4. If any CVM or host is not reachable, contact Nutanix Support for assistance.

  1. Change the CVM IP addresses by using the external_ip_reconfig script.

  2. Change the hypervisor host IP addresses if necessary.

  3. Restart the CVMs.

  4. Perform the initial series of validation steps.

  5. Start the cluster.

  6. Perform the final series of validation steps.

  7. Change the IPMI IP addresses if necessary.


Note: Please be sure to follow the steps in the order given


The external IP address reconfiguration script performs the following tasks:


  1. Checks if the cluster is stopped.

  2. Puts the cluster in reconfiguration mode.

  3. Restarts Genesis.

  4. Prompts you to type the new netmask, gateway, and external IP addresses, and updates them.

  5. Updates the IP addresses of the Zookeeper hosts.


For detailed information on each step for automated method. Please refer to the following portal document:


The host IPs can be changed directly from the DCUI if the hypervisor is ESXi and if the hypervisor is AHV please follow the process mentioned in the following document:

Freitag, 3. September 2021

Nutanix NGT installation failed with cmd.exe /C ""c:\Program Files\Nutanix\Python36\python.exe" -E "c:\Program Files\Nutanix\ssr\ssr_gateway\" install"

1. Check the installed softwares and check of NGT was installed before being removed

2. check using powershell if the NGT Infra Component Packages are still present after removing the "old" NGT:

Get-wmiobject -class win32_product -filter "Name = 'Nutanix Guest Tools Infrastructure Components Package 1'"

then remove it:

Get-Package -Name "Nutanix Guest Tools Infrastructure Components Package 1" | Uninstall-Package -Force

3. clean the registry in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall and "find" Nutanix - delete the key.

4. Reinstall NGT

Montag, 8. Februar 2021

How to delete aged third party snapshots nutanix ahv

You will receive the following error message in Prism Element:

System has x aged third-party backup snapshot(s) and they may unnecessarily consume storage space in the cluster.

The problem occurs if snaps are not removed successfully by the backup. 
You have to remove the snaps by a script from one of the cvms:

change directory:
cd /home/nutanix/bin

download the latest script:

list snapshots:
python --list_all admin

delete snaps (in my case older than 7 days)
python --delete_snapshot_older_than 7 admin

If you got an error running the script, please check if:
-> the admin password do not user special characeters
-> the directory is /home/nutanix/bin